Auntie Em's Guide to Life

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Use It Up! Fun with Crescent Rolls

on March 13, 2013

I’ll let you in on a little secret– I’ve  never had good luck making yeast bread of any kind. Many years ago (like, about 30!) I attempted a recipe for homemade yeast crescent rolls. FAIL! They were hard as a rock and about as heavy. My brother-in-law still teases me about my “Elly Mae biscuits.” (That’s a “Beverly Hillbillies” reference for you young folk; Elly Mae couldn’t cook a thing.) From that time on I realized that no crescent rolls are so good as the kind Pilsbury makes in the “whomp can.” (You know, the kind you “whomp” on the edge of the counter to open.)

Letting food go bad in my refrigerator is probably where I’ve failed at “using it up” the most. Do you do this too? Here’s one way to help with this problem.

Using crescent rolls is a great way to turn leftovers into a Second-Generation meal instead. Drain some juice and wrap up your meat and veggies and turn your soup into meat pies. Use leftover pie filling (or cut up an apple and sautee in butter and cinnamon a few minutes) and put a bit between 2 crescent rolls and have a baked fruit pie. (Think of the calories you save by baking instead of deep frying!) Leave enough room around the outside to crimp the edges closed, then bake at 375. Make a glaze with about 4 TBS of powdered sugar and 1 TBS milk. (Add vanilla and seasonings to complement whatever fruit you use– like cinnamon for an apple filling.) A quick and VERY easy dessert!

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It’s just like me to start with dessert, but I also made a meat pie out of soup, which was probably a roast in its first life.

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What can you wrap, enclose, or cover with Crescent rolls today??

16 responses to “Use It Up! Fun with Crescent Rolls

  1. Laura says:

    Magic rolls! Brush with melted butter, sprinkle cinnamon, and add a jumbo marshmallow… Seal and bake for 10 minutes. Yum.

  2. This is a great idea! We try to eat up our leftovers, but inevitably, some goes to waste. I’ve recently been trying to cut down recipes so I don’t have so much leftover. I love the crescent roll idea!

    And, I have a fail proof yeast bread recipe. You should try it. If I can do, you definitely can, because you can cook circles around me. Truth.

  3. Beverly says:

    This is really a clever idea. Never know what to do with some of those left overs.
    Have a great day,

  4. what’s not to love about crescent rolls!? Looks yummy!

  5. my mom always spread a mixture of cream cheese, lemon juice, and powdered sugar on those triangles before rolling them up. best breakfast pastry ever! yum.

  6. Patty B says:

    I have never thought to use leftovers that way I have some left over beef vegetable soup from the weekend, I may have to stop and pick up some crescent rolls, great idea.

  7. LubbyGirl says:

    OK, so now I gotta try this, which means I gotta buy crescent rolls. Or – maybe I need to beg that fail proof yeast bread recipe from The Domestic Fringe…which I would love to have! 😆

  8. […] I posted my “Use it Up” post, the subtitle was “Fun with Crescent Rolls”– I got so many responses with how […]

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