Auntie Em's Guide to Life

A guide to all the important things in life- marriage, family, cooking, gardening, reading, travel, Christian living… And whatever else grabs my attention!

Auntie Em’s DIET Rolo/Pretzel Snacks

on November 22, 2012

Have you seen this picture from Pinterest?

Wow Pecans, Rollos and Pretzels why didn't I think of that?

I pinned it and decided to make them! They were SO easy, and wonderful. I decided to make some more for our family Thanksgiving dinner at Granny’s house. (By the way, in Texas, Thanksgiving DINNER is at noon, not in the evening.) I got “mini” pretzels just like before, but noticed they were a good deal bigger than the last ones I used. Mr X said these are a different brand than before. Then I got out my bag of  UNWRAPPED Rolos, which I was happy to discover because all that unwapping was a pain! I began placing them on the pretzels and noticed they were smaller than the last time. Mr X said, “See? It says MINI.” oops. All I saw was “unwrapped” and my laziness resourcefulness took over and I skipped over the much larger “mini.” However, my optimism decided that they will now be DIET candies.

ingredients rolo pretzel pecans rolos on pretzels

Here’s the skinny (HAH… get it? Diet candy?) on how to make them.

Preheat your oven to 350.

1. Place pretzels on a cookie sheet. In hindsight, I’d use one with sides. I got nervous moving this sheet in and out of the oven.

2. Put a Rolo on each pretzel.

3. Bake 3-5 minutes, till soft. If you use mini Rolos, it will be less time!

pecan rolo candy pecan rolo candy

4. While they are hot and squishy, mash a pecan half into it. 5. Let cool and eat ’em up!

*NOTE If you use the large pretzels, the Rolos will melt down onto the pan and make removal difficult. Let it cool some. But not too much or the pretzel will break when you try to remove it from the pan! I think I’ll try lining the pan with parchment paper next time. broken pretzel candy

Auntie Em's holiday cooking Collage12 Days of Christmas 2012

3 responses to “Auntie Em’s DIET Rolo/Pretzel Snacks

  1. Pearl says:

    I love how you thought ‘outside of the box’ and found the silver lining! I’m all about reducing calories and this is great. YES, I have pinned that picture, but had not made them. Looks like we’ll have ‘diet’ rolo snacks this year. But, I have to keep the ‘diet’ part a secret, because my sons hate that word. It’s usually associated with less the savory items. Thanks for this post!

  2. […] Auntie Em’s DIET Rolo-Pretzel Snacks                 Auntie Em’s Broccoli Salad […]

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