Auntie Em's Guide to Life

A guide to all the important things in life- marriage, family, cooking, gardening, reading, travel, Christian living… And whatever else grabs my attention!

Just Do It

on December 29, 2012

I love the promise of a new year– a fresh start, a second chance. It is a good time for reflection of the year passed, and assessment of it: not to beat ourselves up over disappointments and failures, or brag on ourselves for our successes, but to use the lessons we’ve learned from all of them to help determine our road map for the next year.

I particularly enjoy seeing worksheets and master plans– they give order and manageability to a potentially overwhelming task. And now with Pinterest, I’m in new-year-plan heaven! Therein lies my problem.

As long as I’m obsessing over which plan to use, or what task to give priority to, or how to implement the plan, I’m not DOING anything. I tend to operate at 1 of only 2 speeds: running, usually at work, and laid out on the couch. I have the perfectionistic difficulty of doing something unless I can do it all, preferably in an ordered, scheduled manner.

James tells us to be doers of the Word, and not hearers only. I have to adapt that Scripture to myself. DO it! Don’t wait for the perfect plan or perfect time. If the window is dirty, take 5 minutes and clean it, even if you haven’t dusted and vacuumed, or picked up the rest of the house or even the room. Clean and straighten a single drawer or a shelf, even if it will take a week to get the closet done. Remember, every little helps.

Make plans for 2013. Call them resolutions, or not. But don’t get so hung up on planning that you don’t DO.

Are you planning for the new year? Without a vision, the people perish!


23 responses to “Just Do It

  1. Great advice, I usually live this way, rather than what you do. Not a perfectionist here, but I do like order. Hmm…well, most of the time! 🙂

  2. Rejoycin says:

    Ha ha I know you!! I have more lists than time to do in my lifetime!!! I just have to begin my ‘Couch to 5K’ app again instead of waiting for someone or a clear day! Here I go again!

  3. This is good advice. I’ve become less of a perfectionist over the years (in large part due to having and living with children!), but sometimes I still have difficulty “just getting started.” And then sometimes, even after I’ve started, I begin second guessing myself. I am especially having these difficulties when it comes to my blog and writing – am I doing it the right way, do I have the right focus, what should I do next, should I be doing it at all??? I can drive myself crazy. Really need to make a plan for 2013 and just follow through with it.


    • Auntie Em says:

      I’m right there with you, Gaye. I read blogs that I love and see that they’re making plans. That sounds wonderful– I do so love the planning stage! But then I realize I’ve spent all my time and have no blog post! ( or supper, or clean house, or lesson plan for TODAY lol!)

      Keep me posted on your progress and I’ll do the same, okay?

      • Yes, let’s do that. I too can easily spend most of my time seeing what other bloggers are doing and run out of time to do my own work and blogging. It’s hard for me to get the right balance between looking for good ideas/seeing what works and just forging ahead with my own stuff!

        Happy New Year!

  4. thoughtsfromanamericanwoman says:

    Good advice, I usually spend more time organizing than doing…I love to organize things but then I have no time to “do”. Today I started by getting rid of those things that tie me down. I have a garbage can full of things I will not never do, recipes I most likely would not cook, to do lists that are full of organized and details projects and I even let go of some of those projects that only fill my life with more things to do and although worthwhile, was not something I felt led to do. Today I am balancing my life and feel good about it! 2013 indeed looks promising! Blessings for a wonderful New Year for you and your family! Patty

  5. […] day I wrote Just Do It, I watched Joyce Meyer sermon (while I was walking on the treadmill, yay!!) called Finish What You […]

  6. Wonderful advice! Stopping by from SDG… Happy new Year!

  7. Good post, Melanie. As my husband says, “If you aim at nothing, you’ll hit it every time!”
    Blessings to you in 2013!

  8. Oh, yes. We can plan, plan, and plan, but nothing will happen unless we take action. Goes right along with my OneWord for the year: Commit! It’s not talking about getting on that amazing ride anymore; it’s about climbing on and doing it! A happy and amazing new year to you Melinda!

  9. I make a plan and really work on getting it done. I’ve learned to quite putting too much stuff on the list. Great advice you have here. Thank you for sharing this at the Make it Pretty Monday party at The Dedicated House. Hope to see your prettiness again on Monday. Toodles, Kathryn @TheDedicatedHouse

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