Auntie Em's Guide to Life

A guide to all the important things in life- marriage, family, cooking, gardening, reading, travel, Christian living… And whatever else grabs my attention!

Revive Your Marriage- Revive Your Praise

on September 24, 2012

Is any among you merry? Let him sing songs of praise. James 5:13

And I would add, is any among you sad and downhearted? Then really, sing songs of praise! Praise is so mingled together with gratitude, and I believe that a heart steeped in gratitude is able to withstand the challenges of life in general and marriage in particular, so much better than the ungrateful person!

What? Your husband isn’t perfect? Oh wait…neither is anyone else’s. And sorry, neither are you, nor I! Love changes over time; a marriage undergoes “growing pains” but when you can keep gratitude for your spouse in the forefront of your mind, your marriage will be so much better.

And then get the gratitude out of your mind and onto your lips in the form of praise. This is an effective relationship tool with anyone, and especially with a spouse, who, because of the “no-escape clause” nature of the relationship, is more likely to be taken for granted than anyone else. Be sincere; don’t be patronizing, but find things to appreciate, then say them! Is your husband a dependable provider? Lots of women would love one of those. Does he keep the yard nice? Is he a great dad? Can he open jars, reach high things for you, write an Excel formula, better than you? Does he fix you sandwiches and take you on dates? (I’m being a bit personal here.) Just as the master told the servant in the parable, “you’ve been faithful over a little; ill make you master over lot,” I suspect if you show appreciation and praise for the good things your spouse does, you’ll see more of them.

21 responses to “Revive Your Marriage- Revive Your Praise

  1. FringeGirl says:

    Great post!

  2. Very good post! I needed to hear this! Thank you!! đŸ™‚

  3. kimahall says:

    We sang songs of praise to one another yesterday, forcing out the words after a particularly difficult work week. We went for a hike into the brilliant fall sunshine, and did our best to let our cares drop along the way.

    Love your choice of verse from James!

  4. Such a good reminder to be grateful for the little things as well as the big ones! Thank you so much for linking up @ Into The Word Wednesday!

  5. thoughtsfromanamericanwoman says:

    Over the years I have learned to be grateful for even the things that drive me crazy – because that means I still have my husband, craziness and all!! đŸ˜‰ Thankfully he appreciates my craziness too! We sure had our share of growing pains, but each one brought us to where we are today. And I might add we had more joy and happiness than growing pains. Very good article. Blessings – Patty

  6. Debi Walter says:

    Great post. Gratitude always wins, esp. in marriage.

  7. Love the photo you picked to go with this! Beautiful.

  8. Judith says:

    I am finding so much encouragement from your blog. Thank you so much for taking the time to post about praise and gratitude. I agree, they are so important.

  9. A Proverbs 31 Wife says:

    I love this! I have been actively looking for ways to be thankful for him. I know he read part of today’s post when I was writing last night, because I told him he could read it if her wanted, just not to close out because I needed to finish. His face got bright pink and he acts real cool, saying I read a little of it…
    Thanks for sharing this at Matrimonial Monday!

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