Auntie Em's Guide to Life

A guide to all the important things in life- marriage, family, cooking, gardening, reading, travel, Christian living… And whatever else grabs my attention!

Jesus is Calling

on April 2, 2013

Jesus is calling

One of my students shared a page in her devotional (from April 1) on Facebook– from Jesus Calling by Sarah Young. (There is a free app that I just found– it looks good!) I think it was written for me, or maybe for me and all those other Marthas that get caught up in our own agendas either from an overblown sense of importance or an unrealistic view of our time, energy, and schedules. (Or it could be some other reason.  I’ve noticed how often I make sweeping statements, like I know everything. But I’ve seen and experienced these two.)

Here are some excerpts:

I am calling you to a life of constant communion with Me.

This reminds me of Brother Lawrence’s The Practice of the Presence of God. (If you click the link and scroll down, you will find several links to free ebooks and audio books.) He was a 17th-century French soldier turned monk, and he worked in the kitchen most of his monastic life. He was able to keep that constant communion with God going, through whatever mundane task he was doing. I need to keep myself from getting so “into” my tasks that I get “out of” God’s presence. He doesn’t move. I don’t need to either.

You yearn for a simplified lifestyle… But I challenge you to relinquish the fantasy of an uncluttered world… find Me in the midst of it all.

This one punched me right in the face. I have pinned so many pins about simplification and organization. Read books. Gleaned websites. Made lists. All with the hope that this time, it would really work, and I would float along sort of like a Stepford wife, with an aura of peace and serenity around me, my yard manicured, my hair done, my weight ideal, while I dusted my pristine house every Tuesday morning before work, or whatever other job was on my list for that day and that time slot. Truly, I work better with a schedule because I don’t have an inner clock/calendar and I really can’t remember when I vacuumed or washed my hair last. But I have a tendency to get obsessive about my schedule when I’m stressed and feel out of control of my life. A working schedule gives the illusion that I’m in control of SOMETHING.

Remember your ultimate goal is not to control or fix everything around you [NEWSFLASH!]; it is to keep communing with Me. A successful day is one in which you have stayed in touch with Me, even if many things remain undone… Do not let your to-do list become an idol

I have had a difficult several weeks. High stress, low energy, lots to do, plus I’m pretty sure I’m hitting menopause, which is making everything twice as bad. Bad combination! So lots has gone undone, especially at my house. The yard has taken priority because of the season (though there’s still a ton to be done everywhere I look), and the house has gotten more and more undone.

But God tells me to talk to Him. Listen to Him. Slow down. Take a breath. Work a little and rest a little each day. Hire help. Calm down.

Is He talking to you, too? I’m praying for our peace. In the midst of our messy lives.

Come unto me, all ye who labor and are burdened, and I will give you rest. Matthew 11:28

Jesus is calling. He wants you to rest.

18 responses to “Jesus is Calling

  1. You caught my eye with the snazzy egg graphics. 🙂 But I stayed for the awesome post. Great wisdom, thanks so much for writing it today.

    (says the woman who donated 10 unread books on decluttering)

  2. AT&T says:

    Thanks for the link to Jesus Calling. Loved this post…it hit home.

    Sent from my iPhone

  3. Such good insights from God Calling. They were good reminders for me today too. Finding God in the midst of the cluttered life…any day I stay in touch with God is a successful day. Yes! Yes!
    And your eggs are cute : )

  4. Wow, Melinda, you really know how to sock it to all of us! I struggle in so many of these areas. But I love your statement that God “doesn’t move. I don’t need to either.” I want to be better at acknowledging His presence in whatever I’m doing or facing. It’s a tall order and since I’m in that perimenopausal time frame as well, I’m struggling to keep things low stress and full of God’s peace. But I love your words, your vulnerability and admonition to us today. I’m so glad you linked it up with Wedded Wed too, my friend!

  5. “You yearn for a simplified lifestyle… But I challenge you to relinquish the fantasy of an uncluttered world… find Me in the midst of it all.” – Wow. What a quote.

    I always get that idea that the Stepford wife ideal is like a goal to work towards, but I am so miserably far away from that goal. We’re talking opposite ends of the spectrum here. So that quote…ya…I need to find Him in the midst of it all.

    Thanks for linking up to Saturday Night Stars. I would have missed this post otherwise!

    • Auntie Em says:

      Thanks! This devotion slapped me right in the mouth! My student posted the whole page as a picture– I thought about making it my desktop for a constant reminder.

  6. I discovered Brother Lawrence through Joyce Meyer and I so appreciate the site you gave! Wise words and definitely ones to live by!!

  7. Deanna says:

    Great post and reminder to constantly remain in His presence!

  8. I love that verse. This is the second post in a row that I read talking about the need for rest. Hmm!! Thanks for sharing this over at WholeHearted Home.

  9. momstheword says:

    I loved what you said here “He doesn’t move. I don’t need to either.” How many times do we try and go ahead of God?

    Also love the quote about not making our to-do lists our idol. I like having a schedule and I like that control as you said. But this reminds me of the Mary-Martha principle. She had many things she was concerned about but to Jesus, the most important was choosing the best thing – which was time with Him!

    Thanks so much for linking up to “Making Your Home Sing Monday” today! 🙂

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