Auntie Em's Guide to Life

A guide to all the important things in life- marriage, family, cooking, gardening, reading, travel, Christian living… And whatever else grabs my attention!

Super Sweet

on September 3, 2012


(Have I got your sweet tooth screaming? All these pictures are in my Pinterest food board; you can click to follow me.)

There are a lot of really good, inspiring writers around the world, writing blogs while carrying on with their “real” lives. It’s encouraging to know that there is so much wisdom and kindness in the hearts and minds of regular, everyday people. One of these people is Faith at Faithrises, who writes to encourage, motivate, uplift, and inspire people to rise above personal difficulties and challenging circumstances. What a great work!

Sweet Faith nominated me for the “Super Sweet Blogging Award.” What a “sweet” thing to do! My constant prayer is that all my words, coming from my mouth or my fingertips, will be a pleasing, sweet aroma to our Father. This is a fun award because it’s all about sweets… which I love! Then I get to nominate my own sweetie-pie bloggers.


1. Give credit to the person who chose to nominate you. (You rock, Faith!)

2. Answer the “Super Sweet” questions.

3. Nominate a “Baker’s Dozen” (13) blogs.  

“Super Sweet” Questions:

1. Cookies or Cake?  Cake. The ooey-gooey, pecan-covered, fudgey chocolate sheet cake.

2Chocolate or Vanilla? Chocolate!  

3. What is your favorite sweet treat? See #1

4. When do you crave sweet things the most? Mid-afternoon. I could eat the whole cake when I get home from work.

5.   If you had a sweet nickname, what would it be? I’m usually “honey” to my sweetie.

My Baker’s Dozen blogs:

1. simplyjuliana

2. A Thimble’s Worth of Wisdom

3. Deep Roots at Home

4. On the Border

5. Climbing the Mountain

6. I Hope 4 him

7. Thoughts from an American Woman

8. The Alabaster Jar

9.  The Romantic Vineyard

10. Too Darn Happy

11. The Reluctant Entertainer

12. Sherry’s Place

13. My botanical garden

Visit these great bloggers, and you will be in for a treat! If they are new to you, tell them I sent you by.

9 responses to “Super Sweet

  1. Faithrises says:

    O my goodness! Congratulations, and thank you for your very kind words about my blog! I’m happy to nominate you. You deserve it! Smiles and Blessings. – Faith 🙂

  2. Congratulations! I’ve nominated you for the bloggers Traffic Raiser Award! Please see for more info!

  3. Congratulations! I’ve nominated you for the bloggers Traffic Raiser Award! Please see for more info!

  4. thoughtsfromanamericanwoman says:

    Congratulations you are definitely as sweet as your pictures of chocolate!! And thank you for the nomination – I am so humbled that I have received two nominations tonight – thank you ! thank you! thank you! Sweet hugs! Patty
    PS: I think I gained 5 pounds just looking at your pictures – LOL

  5. Diane says:

    What a thrill! Thank you so much for nominating me! I’m SO excited!!!

  6. Thanks for the nomination! I’m going to post later in the fall since I just did an “award” post Friday. I don’t want people to get sick of me!!

    I’m with you — love me some CAKE, or a fudgy brownie…

  7. tamara says:

    Congratulations and thanks for the sweet nomination!

  8. kimahall says:

    You are just too sweet, and such a dear to nominate me! I am more comfortable sharing here, if that is ok. 🙂

    I have always been a sweets hound, unfortunately, but I have spent the last 5 weeks working to slay my sugar dragon.
    That being said, I love fresh, homemade, right from the oven chocolate chip cookies, and will take them any day over a piece of cake.
    I never thought I was a big chocolate person until I really looked at what I ate for sweets…Chocolate it is, although I have recently developed a taste for the 85% dark chocolate bars.
    My sugar cravings would usually come late afternoon, too. What I found was when I started eating really well (no junk, no breads), those cravings dropped significantly. Yay!
    A sweet nickname? That would have to be honey.

    I loved reading your list. I do have to say if a cake has lots of frosting and there aren’t any cookies around, I will join you. Would you like one of the corner, heavily frosted pieces, too? ;-D

    Thanks again, Melinda!

    • Auntie Em says:

      HA! you are like me– I’ll take that corner piece too. I’m trying to slay the dragon as well.. something about 50 year old metabolism just goes too slow to process that!

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